Exams and Festivals
Letting your inner sparkle shine
UKA Exams
Pupils are encouraged to sit examinations in key subjects on a yearly basis. These tests contain dances designed to show a child’s ability to perform complete dances to a required standard.
Princess Award
Starter Star
One Dance Bade
Intro 1-3 (Junior Intro)
Intro 4-6 (High level Intro)
Pre Bronze, Bronze, Bronze Bar
Silver, Silver Bar
Gold, Gold Bar Medal, Upper Gold Award, Gold Seal Medallion
Gold Bar 1, Gold Bar 2, Gold Bar Statue, Gold Cup
Gold Star 1, Gold Star 2, Gold Star 3
Presidents Award, Majestic Award, UK Award.
Prestige Statuette, Premier Victory Award
Children's own choreography- Choreography Award 1-3
Princess to Intro 3 are introductory examinations where the teacher accompanies the children into the exam room and assists them, so for the children it isn’t too stressful and the Examiner observes. They are a lovely way to introduce very young children to exams – they get the formality of the exam room, the uniform, the numbers on their front and carry in their own report sheet and greet their Examiner with it, but they do not have the worry of remembering everything in the syllabus by themselves. Intro 4-6 Teachers accompany and support students From Bronze upwards children are not assisted by teachers. Hair should be immaculate with bows and the correct clean uniform on for all examinations. More information on the UKA dance board can be found here https://www.ukadance.co.uk/
ISTD Exams
Pupils are encouraged to sit examinations in key subjects on a bi-yearly basis.These age groups are a guide only.
Primary Class (Reception-Yr1)
Grade 1-2 Infants (Yr 1-3)
Grade 3-4 Juniors (Yr 4-6)
Grade 5-6 Secondary School
Intermediate (Vocational/Professional grading)
ISTD examinations are sometimes taken on site and sometimes taken at Dance Centres across the South of the UK. Children enter exams in groups of 3-4. Each child wears a number and are required to demonstrate the full syllabus. Primary class as an example takes 25-30min where as grade 6 can take 45-60min per exam. These are more formal exams and teachers do not enter with the students. ISTD graded exams are government recognised and accredited by the QCA and are on the National Qualifications Framework. Not all our students enter ISTD examinations. To take ISTD examinations additional coaching for examination preperation is required. Hair should be immaculate with bows and the correct clean uniform on for all examinations.
More information can be found on the ISTD website https://www.istd.org/home/